RestaurantsFilter ResultsSort By:RankingPricing (Low to High)Local Expert's RatingMolokai BurgerLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Hiro’s Ohana GrillLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Kamoi Snack-n-GoLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Molokai Pizza CafeLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Manae Goods & GrindzLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Kualapuu CookhouseLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Paddlers Restaurant and BarLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Ono Fish & Shrimp Food TruckLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Maka’s KornerLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Sundown DeliLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5At Taste of MolokaiLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Hula Bean CafeLocal Expert's Rating:4 / 5Kanemitsu’s Bakery & Coffee ShopLocal Expert's Rating:4.5 / 5Viewing 1 - 20 of Restaurants