Yellowfish Trading Co

Yellowfish Trading Co - Unique Antique & Hawaiian Memorabilia Shop in North Kauai
Local Expert's Rating:
4.5 / 5
The Bottom Line:

Yellowfish Trading Co. is an eclectic vintage and memorabilia shop. In this North Kauai boutique shop, you will find all manner of exciting vintage items and authentic Hawaiian crafts. Best of all, the prices here are outstanding -- especially when compared to similar mainland shops. 

- The Local Expert Team

Yellowfish Trading Co. is one of the most unique boutique shops located on Kauai, and some might argue among all the Hawaiian islands. That’s because what this shop really specializes in is vintage and modern Hawaiian memorabilia. By this, we don’t mean cheap tourist trinkets. Yellowfish Trading Co. truly trades in the special, the memorable, and the one-of-a-kinds.

You will find Yellowfish Trading Co. in north Kauai just two blocks from Hanalei Beach. It’s a cute storefront tucked away in one of the village’s most popular shopping districts. Above the door is a long white sign proclaiming their wares as “Collectibles, Hawaiiana, Antiques,” and that is quite exactly what they do. 

When you step foot into this shop, you will find yourself quickly surrounded by all types of products. This is a true shopping experience. Yellowfish Trading Co. tends to always be full of the best vintage items like hula nodders, original aloha shirts, grass skirts, coconut-carved lamps, and so much more.

While this shop does really specialize in older items, you will also find plenty of more modern or contemporary Hawaiian-made items that include original artwork, jewelry, and paper goods. Many local artists will use things like reclaimed wood and coconuts to create very special Hawaii-inspired carvings and art. These types of pieces are fantastic purchases as they enable their buyers to bring a physical piece of Hawaii back with them and that physical piece features artistic memories of the state. 

Finding such a rich array of items for sale is the first thing that surprises most people who walk into Yellowfish Trading Co. But it’s what they do next thing that tends to be the biggest surprise. That’s checking the price tags. Yep, despite having so many truly unique Hawaiian memorabilia and contemporary items, the prices here are surprisingly pretty low. So if you are looking for a good deal on a cool piece, Yellowfish Trading Co. is the place to go. 

Long story short, Yellowfish Trading Co. ought to be at the top of your go-to list when you are looking for a unique souvenir for yourself or for someone who was unable to travel to the great state of Hawaii with you. In addition to the all-out unique items, this shop also has a good selection of home products. For example, Hawaiian-inspired hand towels and candles can be found in abundance and these items serve as great small gifts to loved ones. Just don’t forget to grab some of these cool gifts for yourself!

Insider Tip:
If you are worried about your luggage limits flying home, the staff at Yellowfish Trading Co. can and will ship any purchased goods home for you. Unfortunately, unlike other shops that offer shipping discounts on certain purchase amounts, Yellowfish Trading Co. does not do this at this time.