Maui Mountain Riders

Maui Mountain Riders - 26-Mile Downhill Cruiser Bike Rides
Local Expert's Rating:
4 / 5
The Bottom Line:

Maui Mountain Riders offer cruiser bike tours that are safe and thrilling. They offer four tours that descend 6,500 feet down the 26-mile road to the coast. Bikes and full-face helmets are required. Check their website for restrictions.

- The Local Expert Team

Picture yourself perched at 10,000 feet on the rim of the dormant volcano, Haleakala. Even though you’re bundled up for the cold, you shiver in anticipation of what you’re about to experience.

When the sunrise cracks open the sky, you understand how the volcano got its name, “House of the Sun.” You pose for what will be an out-of-this-world photo opportunity. 

Such an experience would satisfy many, but you’re on a Maui Mountain Riders tour. Next, you hop on a bike and zip down the serpentine roads to the coast!  

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s back up and look at the different tours and what you can expect on a Maui Mountain Riders.

We’ll start with some restrictions to quickly ascertain if you can do the ride:

  • Competent cyclist. You should feel comfortable and confident cycling and not be a beginner. 
  • Fitness. The best part of these tours is you’re biking downhill! While this means you don’t have to be in tip-top shape, you need to handle speeds of 25-mph and navigate sharp turns. 
  • Altitude. The oxygen-depleted higher altitudes will affect your body to a certain degree. If you know you don’t function coherently in these conditions, this may not be a tour for you.
  • Age. You must be at least 12-years old to participate. An adult must accompany those 18-years and younger.
  • Height/Weight. You must be over 4’10” tall and weigh under 300-pounds. 
  • Health. You will not be allowed to ride if you’re pregnant or on medication that causes drowsiness or fatigue. 

Safety is paramount at Maui Mountain Riders. You’ll be riding a Workmen’s Volcano Chrome Cruiser bike whose wide tires provide a comfortable ride and handle sharp turns well. There are no gears to shift, and you brake by pushing back on the pedals, just like you did your first bike. You’ll be required to wear closed-toe shoes, and they’ll issue you a full-face helmet. 

On the road, your bike guide adheres to strict safety guidelines. One of which is you’re not to cross the yellow line. Doing so will result in the guide pulling you from the ride. Now let’s take a peek at the four bike tours. All tours start at 6,500 feet Haleakala National Park entrance and follow the same 24-mile route downhill to the coast. We also listed the rides from most expensive to least. 

Here are the differences:

Haleakala Sunrise Tour
This is the most popular tour offered by Maui Mountain Riders, and we described it in our introduction. After watching the sunrise on the volcano’s rim, you’ll head back to the Haleakala National Park to start your ride.

  • Start time: 2:45 AM (times vary seasonally)
  • End time: Noon

Haleakala Pre-Dawn Tour
This tour skips the sunrise experience on the volcano’s rim.

  • Start time: 4:45 AM (times vary seasonally)
  • End time: 9:00 AM

Haleakala Daytime Tour
One perk of this tour is the option for non-cyclists to ride along in the van for an additional cost. If this sounds interesting, ask about their Upcountry Van Tour when making your reservation.

  • Start time: 7:30 AM
  • End time: 12:00-12:30 PM

Haleakala Self-Guided Tour
As the name implies, you’ll ride at your own pace, allowing you to stop when and where you want. 

  • Start time: 7:30 AM
  • End time: Noon

Maui Mountain Riders offer thrilling rides that will give you a lifetime of memories. If you love adventure, scenic vistas and are a confident cyclist, we know you’ll love their tours. 

Insider Tip:
It will be cold at the start! When considering clothing, dress warmly for the initial miles and factor in wind chill on the descent. You may peel off the layers as you warm up and stash them in the accompanying van.