Waihee Beach Park

Waihee Beach Park – A Quiet Spot to Fish, Go Beachcombing, and Have a Picnic in Wailuku
Local Expert's Rating:
4 / 5
The Bottom Line:

When you want to get away from it all, set your sights on Waihee Beach Park. Set in a quiet corner of Wailuku, this beach serves as a great place to go fishing, beachcombing, and picnicking any day of the week. The surf is too rough for swimming, but the views are phenomenal.

- The HawaiianIslands.com Local Expert Team

Are you looking for a quiet spot to relax and enjoy the ocean’s beauty? If so, you need to take a trip on over to Waihee Beach Park. Located far down Halewaiu Road in Wailuku, this beach gets relatively few visitors, ensuring you can get the solitude you seek.

In the past, its location off the beaten path opened the doors for houseless individuals to take over the land. Officials have since cleaned it up by removing the junked cars and strictly enforcing the no-camping rule. Word has not yet gotten out about the beach getting a makeover, so it remains a quiet place to go in between all your island adventures.

As a beach park, there are sandy shores all along the coast plus a grassy area for having picnics, tossing a Frisbee, and just running and playing. You won’t find any barbecue grills onsite, but there are picnic tables, restrooms, and even showers. Wild chickens and stray cats wander about freely, adding even more color to the landscape.

The sandy shores lie just past the grassy area. Although the beach is narrow, it’s plenty big enough for cartwheels, sandcastles, and strolling along at your leisure. Warning signs on the beach let you know that the water’s not well suited for swimming — as well as the apparent lack of lifeguards. The shallow waters get deep fast plus there’s a strong current pretty much all year. You could jump the waves, but it’s really best to stay out of the water.

Since a wooded area and golf course border the beach, it’s always super quiet. The small parking lot almost never fills all the way up with visitors either. So, you’ll often feel like you have the beach all to yourself. For a truly restorative retreat, arrive just in time to watch the sunrise and all you’ll hear are the waves crashing against the shore. Sunset is another wonderful time to arrive, although you’ll likely see a few other beachgoers at that time.

Most popular activities include:

Without people splashing around and scaring the fish away, fishing is almost always good. You’ll need to expertly cast out your line from the shore for a chance at getting a bite. If you see any fellow fishermen in your midst, ask them for their tip of the day. Their approach likely changes often, so get the inside scoop to improve your likelihood of bringing home a fresh-catch dinner.

The powerful waves bring treasures up onto the sand on the regular. So, it’s always interesting to walk along the shores and see what you can find. Just be sure to leave the items behind after admiring them. If you want to remember them forevermore, snap a photo and put it on social media for all to admire.

If you want a chill place to kick back and enjoy your lunch, this beach is a great place to go. Since there are no grills onsite, you’ll want to bring a restaurant meal or fixings for a cold picnic lunch. Then, just settle down at a picnic table for a bite to eat while enjoying the views.

More often than not, the gate to the parking lot gets closed at 7 pm. So, it’s best to leave well before then to avoid getting your car stuck. Don’t park in the lot for the Waiehu Municipal Golf Course either or you could get towed. To make the trip truly convenient, travel here by taxi or rideshare, and then call for a ride back to your hotel once you’re done with your oceanside adventures.

Insider Tips:
-Never leave valuables in your car. Put the items in your hotel safe before you go. Even items in the trunk are not safe from thieves.
-The wild chickens will take a bite of your picnic lunch if you’re not careful. So, don’t turn your back to your food and give them a chance to swoop in for a nibble.
-Stay off the golf course next door or you could end up getting in trouble for trespassing.