Makuu Point

Makuu Point – A Nice Place to Quietly Soak in the Beauty of the Big Island Oceanfront
Local Expert's Rating:
4.5 / 5
The Bottom Line:

Whenever you want to get away from it all, head on over to Makuu Point in Hawaiian Paradise Park. Each visit offers amazing oceanfront views in pure solitude, plus ample opportunities for fun photos and picnic fun. Swimming is a no-go, but locals do come here often to fish the day away.  

- The Local Expert Team

Want to simply sit on the shores while admiring the beauty of the Big Island oceanfront? Just take a trip over to Makuu Point, located right along the waterfront in Hawaiian Paradise Park. Although locals swing by to fish, swimming is a no-go. But it’s the perfect place for picnics, photoshoots, and watching the waves crash against the rocks.  

To get a glimpse of the beauty that awaits, you’ll need to ignore GPS directions and head down Ala Heiau Road. Since it’s a neighborhood street that leads to a dead-end, take it slow, and then park out of the way along the side of the road. Then, put on your grippy water shoes or hiking boots, so you can traverse the rough lava rocks ahead. Although it’s an easy walk to the point, you’ll want to take it slow to avoid tripping or slipping around.

As you walk through the coastline, you’ll see the gorgeous black lava rock jetting out into the water to create the point. Beyond that, you’ll spot powerful waves crashing against the shoreline, serving as your first sign that there’s no chance for swimming. On top of that, there are no lifeguards on duty at any time. So, you’re on your own, for sure, if you get into trouble while in the water. In fact, there are not usually many people around at all, so be careful while walking around onshore, too.

There’s no best time to visit the point, so reflect on what you want to see when deciding on when to come by. If you’d like to start your day with a spectacular sunrise view, then come by at dawn to sit back and enjoy the show. The sunset is equally phenomenal as well if you prefer to sleep in but don’t want to miss out on the views.

Both the sunrise and sunset light up the sky in a vivid array of purples, pinks, oranges, and reds. The palm trees, lava rocks, and ocean beyond all frame the brilliant hues beautifully, creating a truly memorable scene. As you gaze in awe at the beauty all around, don’t forget to get pictures. The oceanside serves as a wonderful backdrop for all your photos, allowing you to share your visit with the world.

Whenever you come by, you have a good chance of seeing fishermen casting out their lines from the shore. They’re fun to watch as the fish start biting and putting up a fight. Epic battles ensure between the experienced fishermen and their catches, giving you an awesome show to remember. In between bites, you can head on over to chat with the fishermen and hear their big fish tales. If you have a fishing license, pole, and tackle, you can even join in on the fun.

If you have a picnic lunch in mind, scope out a relatively flat area for your picnic blanket. Be sure to stay back from the water to avoid getting splashed while you eat. Don’t turn your back to the ocean either. Rogue waves can sneak up on you, causing serious injuries and even pulling you out to sea. If you notice the conditions getting rough, consider packing up and going elsewhere for the day.

Insider Tips:
-Fire ants swarm around the brushy areas, so give them wide berth to avoid getting bit. Locally sourced bug spray is a good idea, too, especially if you want to keep mosquitos at bay.
-Check the weather before coming by. If it’s going to be rainy, windy, or otherwise stormy, skip the trip.
-From December through April, you have a good chance of seeing humpback whales in the distance.
-Do not leave any belongings in your parked vehicle. Even items in the trunk are at risk of theft while you’re away.