Feast at Lele

Feast at Lele - Unique Polynesian Dining Experience Directly on the Beach
Local Expert's Rating:
4.5 / 5
The Bottom Line:

The Feast at Lele may be billed by some as another luau option, but it is something else entirely. This is a true fine dining Polynesian experience in which guests are treated to a delicious five-course meal sourced from various Oceanic islands, with each course followed by spectacular dances from each of those islands. 

- The HawaiianIslands.com Local Expert Team

The Feast at Lele is a fantastic mix of dinner and entertainment, but as its name suggests, this is not your typical luau. So if you are looking for the traditional luau experience, continue on. If you are, however, looking for a unique and lively fine dinner show, then continue reading!

The building that houses the Feast at Lele is on some of the most valuable property in Lahaina’s historic district. A seaside location, the Feast at Lele opes up to the Pacific Ocean, offering guests a panoramic view of stunning West Maui sunsets during every show. The name of this entertainment b business derives from the traditional Hawaiian name for Lahaina, nicely playing ode to those ancestors while bridging the gap of time with a more modern dining experience. 

This more modern dining experience and the details of the show itself are why we would not group the Feast at Lele in with other luaus on the island. Where luaus traditionally have large communal table settings with an array of buffet choices, the Feast at Lele offers much more private dining. Whether you have a party of two or twelve, you will get an appropriate table just for your group. Instead of a massive buffet array, there is a very specific five-course meal. In terms of the show, where luaus feature several craft demonstrations and the traditional imus ceremony, the Feast at Lele skips these and focuses all the talent and energy into showcasing outstanding song and dance performances. 

So while not a traditional luau, the Feast at Lele is something pretty special all of its own. Another thing unique to this event (compared to luau events) is that dances take place between each course, rather than only following the whole meal. Each song and dance sources its inspiration from different Oceanic islands and each of these numbers follow the dining course from that same island. For example, there is a course inspired by Tahitian seafood and ingredients that is followed by the islands’ official dance and chant. The very end of the meal sources its dishes from Samoa (including a declivous baked ulu wrapped in a taro leaf) just before the night closes with a Samoan fire knife dance. 

The entertainment at the Feat at Lele is fantastic, with the meal even more so. One of the biggest complaints about just about any of the traditional luaus on the islands is the food. Luaus are traditionally made and served as buffet meals. This means a lot of food cooked and served together, and such a style invariably makes it easy for things to become undercooked, overcooked, or made otherwise unappealing. This isn’t to say that luaus can’t have good food, but rather that the food quality itself often comes second to the whole experience. 

In contrast, at the Feast at Lele, the dining portion of the evening is truly out of the park. Each course brought to you is individually plated and accented. While you may hear some complaints about portion sizing, know that you can always ask for seconds. The staff here is very gracious and accommodating, including offering alternatives for those with food allergies (although strict vegans and non-fish eaters may have trouble finding all their necessary accommodations). Each course has its own suggested wine pairings, but diners can also order their own favorite beer, wine, or cocktail. 

While the Feast at Lele isn’t for everyone, we would suggest this dinner performance for those who want a more high-end luau-like (but not full-on luau) experience. This should be the top pick for those who prioritize a delicious and quality meal sourced from various Oceanic island cultures. But for those who don’t want a break in the entertainment with each dining course and would prefer one extended set, skip the Feast at Lele and book instead at one of the popular Maui luaus.  

Insider Tips:
The way the stage and seating are is such that not every seat is going to have a good view. We recommend coming early to ensure the best seats for your party size. Table settings are essentially right on the beach, so arriving early doesn’t mean being bored. Take a drink and have a stroll along the beach while you wait for the others to file in.