Koele Keomuku Trail

Koele Keomuku Trail - A Winding Red Dirt Trail Leading to a Cliff Overlooking the Land & Sea
Local Expert's Rating:
4 / 5
The Bottom Line:

A less popular trail, the Koele Keomoku Trail has an elevation gain of 1,000 feet. Enjoy tropical foliage and views of valleys, the ocean, and beaches. Be careful and bring your good hiking shoes because it might be a little dangerous for those not prepared.

- The HawaiianIslands.com Local Expert Team

Lanai is the smallest inhabited island in the Hawaiian island chain and has a truly unique look and feel. In fact, this Hawaiian island can often feel like two completely different places. There are incredibly luxurious resorts about which visitors can enjoy fantastic, world-class amenities and attractions like championship-level golf courses. But then there is also the wild side of Lanai, the rugged backcountry side, the side with fantastic hiking trails like the Koele Keomuku Trail.

The Koele Keomoku Trail is a lightly trafficked hiking trail that’s located just north of the center of Lanai City. This is a 5.2-mile, out and back again, trail that is appreciated for its fantastic vistas. It is not easy though. Over the course of hiking this trail, you will make elevation gains of just over 1,000 feet. That, in addition to the sometimes hazardous nature of the trail itself, has made it so that it is marked by most hikers as moderately challenging. 

Getting to this trail can be tricky though. You will find a red dirt road near the back lawn of Koele’s Four Seasons Lodge and from this road, you will see signs for Koele Keomuku Trail. Note that parking at the Four Seasons Lodge is generally not recommended if you are not staying at the resort. Instead, consider parking at the cemetery down the street and walking up to the trail access point. 

Koele Keomuk Trail, as with other Lanai trails we have reviewed here, started as a 4×4 trail. But you probably won’t want to take a 4×4 back here as the routes are tricky enough by foot let alone by vehicle. The trail has also eroded in some parts and is soft in others. As such, it is incredibly important to take care if you are going trail running on the Koele Keomuk Trail.

The Koele Keomuk Trail is largely covered for most of the route from its start to its ending. This trail winds and back beneath the island’s tropical foliage as it leads its visitors up gulphs to a fantastic sightseeing spot well above the valleys. This ending at the cliffs offers fantastic views of the ocean and Lanai’s beaches. On clear days, you can even make out the massive ships sunk at the Shipwreck Beach that stretches just north of the trailhead. Unfortunately, this trail won’t take you all the way to the beaches like some other trails might. But if you have a dog, you can take your pup out on this trail, leashes required.

Koele Keomuk Trail is a gorgeous hiking trail but there are some things that people should be wary about before heading out on it. First things first, this is not like your traditional state park trails. You won’t find nice pretty signage, neatly landscaped edges, restroom facilities, or wooden bridges over treacherous terrain. So make sure you bring your good hiking shoes and bring a bag to take out any trash you bring in with you. You might even try to leave the place nicer than you found it!

Insider Tips:
-Remember, the best place to park for this trail is at the cemetery. That’s because the Four Seasons Lodge can get busy and people have said that they will issue tickets for non-guests.
-Bring plenty of water! The weather out here is beautiful but too long in the sun on this trail can dehydrate you. 
-Check the wind conditions. It can get pretty windy on these cliffs. Bring a handkerchief to keep your face protected from the blown-up dirt and dust.